Veritas Strikers Win Groundbreaking Concessions & Vote to End 5 Month Debt Strike


January 27, 2022 Yesterday, the San Francisco Public Press reported, “More than 18,000 households had asked for over $289.4 million [...]

Veritas Strikers Win Groundbreaking Concessions & Vote to End 5 Month Debt Strike2022-01-27T17:22:18+00:00

Op ed: unlock $64 Million for affordable housing before speculators buy up even more of our city!


The City’s chance to invest in housing our workers Will the Board of Supervisors vote to unlock $64 million in [...]

Op ed: unlock $64 Million for affordable housing before speculators buy up even more of our city!2021-11-17T01:51:03+00:00

27 Organizations Call for Prop I funds to be allocated for rent relief, as intended


Below is the text of a letter SFADC member organizations and others sent to the Board of Supervisors emphasizing the [...]

27 Organizations Call for Prop I funds to be allocated for rent relief, as intended2021-07-01T05:55:42+00:00
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