
Veritas tenants demand end to rent hikes

Veritas tenants are urging their multi-billion dollar landlord to drop rent increases driven by the landlord's debt. On Tuesday, hundreds [...]

Veritas tenants demand end to rent hikes2019-10-22T17:58:14+00:00

SF Seniors Demand More Affordable Housing

Below is a March 13, 2019 Examiner op-ed by Betty Traynor, Board President of Senior and Disability Action and Wing [...]

SF Seniors Demand More Affordable Housing2019-10-23T23:11:05+00:00

Call for Artists

Poster by Kayan Cheung-Miaw for 2017 SFADC Bus Ad Campaign The San Francisco Anti-Displacement Coalition (SFADC.org) is looking [...]

Call for Artists2019-02-11T21:56:03+00:00

The Cost of Costa Hawkins: report released

Report released detailing the impacts of the law on San Francisco residents Tenants Rally Outside Veritas Building and Demand [...]

The Cost of Costa Hawkins: report released2019-10-23T22:30:41+00:00

Housing Balance Report Hearing

Monday, November 27, 2017 SF Board of Supervisors Land Use Committee hearing on Housing Costs and Housing Cost Information [...]

Housing Balance Report Hearing2017-11-28T00:04:37+00:00

Local news covers tenant rights bus ad campaign

Mission Local and Sing Tao both published articles highlighting the SFADC's roll-out of Know-Your Rights ads on city buses and [...]

Local news covers tenant rights bus ad campaign2017-10-05T23:37:41+00:00

Tenant Rights Campaign released on City Buses

The San Francisco Anti-Displacement Coalition (SFADC) has just released a series of creative advertisements focused on rights for the city’s [...]

Tenant Rights Campaign released on City Buses2017-09-18T21:41:05+00:00
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