Veritas Strikers Win Groundbreaking Concessions & Vote to End 5 Month Debt Strike
January 27, 2022 Yesterday, the San Francisco Public Press reported, “More than 18,000 households had asked for over $289.4 million [...]
January 27, 2022 Yesterday, the San Francisco Public Press reported, “More than 18,000 households had asked for over $289.4 million [...]
AB 854 reforms the Ellis Act and ends the speculator eviction loophole by requiring a 5 year holding period before [...]
As pandemic protections expire, California has returned to a three day notice period for non-payment evictions (way shorter than many [...]
As soon as 2022, up to 300 100% low-income units will be built at Mission and 16th Streets in San [...]
November 30, 2021Today, the SF Board of Supervisors voted to allocate $64 million for affordable housing. Specifically, the money will [...]
11/24/2021 We are excited to support upcoming legislation codifying the right of tenants to organize in San Francisco! This significant [...]
The City’s chance to invest in housing our workers Will the Board of Supervisors vote to unlock $64 million in [...]
For the past 15 months, every counseling clinic in this coalition has been flooded with calls from hundreds of tenants [...]
Below is the text of a letter SFADC member organizations and others sent to the Board of Supervisors emphasizing the [...]