Veritas tenants are urging their multi-billion dollar landlord to drop rent increases driven by the landlord’s debt. On Tuesday, hundreds of tenants marched from Veritas’ corporate office at One Bush to their management office at 724 Pine. Many SFADC member groups came out to march alongside the tenants, including Community Tenants Association, Causa Justa :: Just Cause, SF Tenants Union, Senior & Disability Action, South of Market Community Action Network, and more!

While at One Bush, tenants tried to deliver a letter to CEO Yat-Pang Au — but no one would come down to meet them and talk. Later in the week, tenants tried again in Foster City where Mr. Au was set to give a keynote speech at a major real estate conference. After multiple attempts, Patrick, a long-term Veritas tenant, was able to give the letter to the Veritas CEO.
Unfortunately, Mr. Au still hasn’t agreed to drop the rent hikes at nearly 25 buildings, so tenants and allies will press on!

We are not prey, and we are here to stay.

News coverage from the event and follow-up actions can be read here:
Veritas tenants skeptical of pass-through policy change. Laura Waxman, SF Examiner 9/24/2019
SF Rent Board weighs proposal to force landlords seeking rent hikes to disclose their finances. Laura Waxmann , SF Examiner 10/9/2019
Hundreds of San Francisco tenants protest Veritas’ “defacto” rent increases. The Pacifica Evening News, 9/24/2019.
租客遊行抗議大業主曲線漲租. Sing Tao Daily, 9/25/2019.