Mission + Coalition
The San Francisco Anti Displacement Coalition is a group of tenant organizations and allies who organize against the soaring evictions and rent increases in our city, which have resulted in the displacement of thousands of San Franciscans.
We believe that all tenants have a right to safe, secure and affordable places to live. We support strong public policies that protect these rights.
We believe that real estate speculation destabilizes neighborhoods, communities and economies. We support regulation and controls on such speculation.
We believe that the future of San Francisco as a culturally diverse, vibrant and creative city depends on its capacity to protect tenants from displacement and neighborhoods from losing their character and their social and economic diversity.
We are committed to building a democratic and inclusive movement for social change to advance these values and policies.
SFADC was formed in 2013 to address the wave of evictions and landlord harassment forcing thousands from their homes and neighborhoods. Together we supported the ballot measure that would tax the ‘flipping’ of apartment buildings that was fueling and exploiting our housing crisis. The speculator tax, inspired by legislation originally proposed by Harvey Milk just prior to his assassination, was designed to stabilize the housing market in our city. It aimed to make the San Francisco housing market more affordable for people looking to stay in the city and make it their home, rather than an investment tool bankers of bankers and speculators who are driving up prices for both prospective home owners and renters.

The SFADC is comprised of the following organizations:
- Affordable Housing Alliance
- AIDS Legal Referral Panel
- Anti-Eviction Mapping Project
- Asian Law Caucus: Asian Americans Advancing Justice
- Bill Sorro Housing Program
- Causa Justa/Just Cause
- Chinatown Community Development Center
- Community Tenants Association
- Council of Community Housing Organizations
- Eviction Defense Collaborative
- Eviction Free San Francisco
- Housing Rights Committee of San Francisco
- Jobs with Justice
- Mission Economic Development Agency
- Mission SRO Collaborative
- People Power Media
- San Francisco Tenants Union
- San Francisco Community Land Trust
- San Francisco Rising Alliance
- Senior & Disability Action
- South of Market Community Action Network
- Tenants Together
- Tenderloin Housing Clinic